Monday, November 15, 2010


So I'm not the best photographer - this is why I like screen printing and metal smithing - b/c with these mediums when I picture something in my head I can usually recreate it exactly as I see it in my minds eye, no problem. The same is not true when it comes to my photography. I never seem to get the correct angels and don't even get me started on lighting! My main problem with this art form is  that there is so much that is out of my control that I haven't learned to manipulate to my advantage yet. I have no problem using a torch to make metal completely malleable but shadows in photography make me cry with frustration. The whole point of this is that I'm trying to learn how to shoot my pieces - and I'm never completely satisfied with the outcome. Below are some examples of my latest attempts.

My opinion - meh. But! I won't give up! I should probably just cough up the money to get my things photographed professionally but it seems more practical for me to do this myself - or rather learn to do this myself as I need to take pictures as I'm creating and it just doesn't seem practical to make weekly photography appointments.

Here's a really bad one!
Okay maybe these aren't so bad and I'm just being hard on myself (maybe I should stop comparing myself (a newbie to this) to other who have a lot more experience!).

But I believe this is a very important skill especially because I am attempting to sell my pieces to people that can not feel or see (or try on) these things for themselves in real life - so the photography really needs be spectacular! That's how I shop - I've noticed that if the picture doesn't really do the piece justice I will move on (I'm assuming most people are like me - which may not be the case - but I'm still going with this generalization).

At any rate - I'm behind my schedule of posting my pieces to etsy so I'm just going to use what I have at the moment and continue to re-shoot until I'm satisfied. 

I'm expecting as I continue with this that my photography skills will improve or I just need a magic camera that is incapable of taking a bad photo... yes, I think that's my answer - magic.


  1. Nicole, everything looks gorgeous! I can't wait to see your etsy store--is it up?

  2. Thank you Kelly! No my store isn't ready yet :( But soon! It's actually taking a lot more time then I ever thought it would.
