Monday, November 22, 2010

Procrastination - aka My Etsy is still not up - aka if Time Managment were a class I would probably fail it. And that's really the point - not failing.

I was putting off writing this post in the hopes that I would not procrastinate and have my etsy shop up and running by now. This post is evidence that that hasn't happened. If you've clicked on the "my etsy" link on this blog this is what you will see:

That's right - nothing. That's not true this is what you see:

Very close to nothing.

The thing is - posting on Etsy is a lot more difficult then I ever thought! I know my life is so difficult. Well it's way more time consuming then I ever thought it would be. I really thought I would get it done in one evening.  Which brings us to my horrible time management skills. There really is nothing more to say on the subject than that - I'm really bad at managing my time. I try to squeeze way too much stuff into a little tiny window of time. Add to the mix that I'm a huge procrastinator and here we are at least two weeks after I said I'd have my Esty shop up, and well, I have a banner done... even if it is the same banner from this very blog. It's a start!

In my very first post I declared that I would use this blog as a way to hold myself accountable (as you can see I need it b/c I put things off!). But why am I putting this off - I need to sell my pieces (and stop wearing them - we'll get to that). I think everyone who has/is/or will put themselves "out there" has had this moment. The moment right before it begins when you haven't failed b/c you haven't begun. So to be completely truthful I haven't put my Etsy shop up yet b/c if I don't - I can't fail - I can't succeed either but that's not the fear.

In one of my meetings with my business consultant he said to me "I usually don't like working with artists because they can't seem to let go."... Yep! It was true when the university wanted to buy one of my metal pieces and I said "No way - I want that" You know where it is now? Not at the University of Iowa on display for all time - it's in my bathroom holding hair ties.


And it's true now when every time I make something new and I say to myself "Ooh, I like this - I think I'll wear it tomorrow." But will you (collective universal you) like it!?

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